minecraft villages mod,

minecraft villages mod,

Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. The Mo' Villages Mod adds villages to every biome! Enjoy the video? Help me out "HOW MANY LIKES CAN WE GET?!" Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-ICf Previous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvzkp Subscribe and join The Better Villages Mod for Minecraft improves the original, ordinary villages by enhancing how villages spawn and the behavior of the villagers.Better Villages Mod can fix some of these problematic aspects of villages by adding more to the game and fixing some of what is wrong, you have a better experience Better Villages Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.6.4 Main Features. Villages are more common; Villages spawn in clusters and closer together. Villages spawn in most biomes!The Minecraft Extended Villages Mod was contributed by TheLarsinator. Welcome to a new little mod! This mod, as you might guess from the title, will add new houses This mod makes the villages spawn every 5x5 - 15x15 chunks Features: 2 New Village Types (Jungle, Ocean) Decrased Rarity (difficult to explain, but you wonThis mod makes villages more common and adds them to all 1.7 biomes. There is also a configuration file to change how rare villages are. By default, villages will The Minecraft Extended Farming Mod was contributed by TheLarsinator. Welcome to Extended Farming! Extended Farming is a new mod that enchances the farming aspect of

Related Video Of Minecraft Villages Mod,

Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. The Mo' Villages Mod adds villages to every biome! Enjoy the video? Help me out "HOW MANY LIKES CAN WE GET?!" Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-ICf Previous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvzkp Subscribe and join The Better Villages Mod for Minecraft improves the original, ordinary villages by enhancing how villages spawn and the behavior of the villagers.Better Villages Mod can fix some of these problematic aspects of villages by adding more to the game and fixing some of what is wrong, you have a better experience Better Villages Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.6.4 Main Features. Villages are more common; Villages spawn in clusters and closer together. Villages spawn in most biomes!The Minecraft Extended Villages Mod was contributed by TheLarsinator. Welcome to a new little mod! This mod, as you might guess from the title, will add new houses This mod makes the villages spawn every 5x5 - 15x15 chunks Features: 2 New Village Types (Jungle, Ocean) Decrased Rarity (difficult to explain, but you wonThis mod makes villages more common and adds them to all 1.7 biomes. There is also a configuration file to change how rare villages are. By default, villages will The Minecraft Extended Farming Mod was contributed by TheLarsinator. Welcome to Extended Farming! Extended Farming is a new mod that enchances the farming aspect of